jcor events

Come out to support JCOR and have some fun at one of these upcoming events.


Cliff Monear Ensemble with Ann Arbor favorite Sarah D’Angelo, vocalist

When: Sunday, March 16, 2025, 1 :00 3:00pm

Where: Jewish Community Center

2935 Birch Hollow Drive

Ann Arbor

Tickets at: https://bit.ly/4ftGG7Z

Past Events
JCOR’s 2nd Annual Fundraising Concert: 
Traditional Music with a Klezmer Accent,

When: Sunday, April 7, 4 – 6pm

What:  Performance followed at 6pm by delectable comestibles. 

Where: Jewish Community Center 

              2935 Birch Hollow Drive

             Ann Arbor

Tickets: https://bit.ly/49ABGfb




Lend your support in an afternoon of toe-tapping, hand-clapping music—a little jazz, a little folk, maybe a little Broadway, and a lot of klezmer at the JCC.  Details to come. 

All proceeds go to the work of the all-volunteer JCOR team.  

Limmud Michigan

When: Sunday, October 29, 2023

What:  Join us for JCOR’s presentation at this year’s Limmud Michigan at 1pm.

Where:: Washtenaw Community College, 4800 E Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor. 48108


Apples and Honey

When:Sunday, Sept 10, 2023, 2–5 p.m.

What: Kona Ice Truck will donate a percent of sales to JCOR

Where: Jewish Community Center, 2936 Birch Hollow Drive, Ann Arbor 48108

JCOR was at Apples & Honey 2023. The Kona Ice Truck was a big hit and provided our next refugee family some additional funding!

, JFS – Walk a Mile In our Shoes 

When: Sunday Sept 19, 2023-12pm

JCOR walks for JFS. Members of JCOR walked to support JFS’s refugee work.